2014 Copyright Center for Disability Services

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As a private non-profit, Center for Disability Services welcomes community contributions for financial support. Any gifts made assist us in mainitnaing quality non-wavier services.

To assist you in more fully understanding the many ways in which individuals may make contributions to the Center for Disability Services, please review the list below. What you give may be of benefit to your tax and estate planning.

Cash: Charitable gifts to Center for Disability Services may be fully deductible within the current IRS rules and regulations.

Annual Pledge: Pledges may be set up for specific dollar amounts each month for one year.

Marketable Securities and Other Assets: Gifts of stock, mutual funds, real estate and certain other assets which have increased in value since you have owned them may be deductible at their face value either currently or over a period of years.

Bequests and Distribution of a Will or a Trust: Designating Center for Disability Services as beneficiary may qualify for an estate tax deduction in the amount of the bequest.

Charitable Remainder Trust: The creation of a Charitable Remainder Trust may provide the donor with an immediate tax deduction based on the estimated value of the Trust at the time of the donor's death. The donor may receive the trust income for life. Upon the donor's death, the remainder of the Trustee's assets will be distributed to the named charities.

Life Insurance Policies: Life insurance policies may name Center for Disability Services as a beneficiary in whole or in part.

IRA: Designating Center for Disability Services as the beneficiary of an IRA, in whole or in part, may generate both a current income and an estate tax charitable deduction.

In-Kind Donations: Donating good to Center for Disability Services, rather than donating money to purhase the goods needed.

Please consult with your legal and financial advisors to select a method of giving to Center for Disability Services that will be most appropriate with your tax and estate planning. You may also call Center for Disability Services at 740-344-2995 with questions.
